Navigate to My Courses
My Courses is the landing page when you are logged into an Educator or Learner account.
The My Courses page lists all course sections for your account, either as an instructor or as a student. Even if you have an instructor account, your account may be registered as a student in some courses. You will only have instructor permissions for the courses that you either create, or for courses for which you have been added as an instructor.
Course section - this is how Torus refers to courses that are being delivered through the Torus platform. Think of it as an instance of the course project for delivery one roster of students. Since Torus creates “Projects” in its authoring platform, the courses built from those “projects”, that pull material from the authoring environment, are known as “course sections”.
Return to My Courses
The quickest way to navigate back to My Courses is through the account menu.
Click your name and role in the upper right of the page, choose My Courses.
Selecting a Course Section
Selecting any of the available courses leads you to either the course section’s student view or instructor view, depending on the permissions your account has for that section.
Instructor-Access Course Dashboard
Selecting a course for which you have instructor access to produces a view similar to this:
Courses with instructor access open on the “Manage” tab.
Student-Access Course Dashboard
Selecting a course for which you have student access to produces a view similar to this:
As displayed on the bottom left, the account you are logged into will be tagged “student”. Even when you have an instructor account, this role tag displays the role of the account for this specific course section.
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